Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Covering all the Bases - An Update (again?)

The following is an email I sent recently to many of my friends, but I inevitably miss someone so I'm posting this here too! Please forgive the duplication :)

I wanted to pass on some updates about The "Out of the Darkness" Overnight Walk (www.theovernight.org/team/resoundinggrace).

My teammate Shannan has raised her $1,000 minimum for the walk! WAY TO GO, LADY!
As of this morning, I'm 63% of the way to my goal. I had a HUGE surge in that number this weekend thanks to two wonderful ladies from Shannan's church (thanks Deb and Chris!!). June 27th will come sooner than we think!
For those of you who received Shop&Share slips - please remember to use those today or tomorrow (or BOTH). I know some of you are stocking up for Memorial Day, so this would be a great way to contribute without going beyond your means. If you didn't receive slips, I am getting one scanned today so I can send them via email (some may have got lost in the mail and some didn't go out because of my lack of planning/time). 5% of the total purchases will be donated by Jewel to our team!

For everyone, please keep Team Resounding Grace in your thoughts and prayers as we head into the home stretch of training and fundraising. We have already met our initial goal of raising awareness about the shrouded world of suicide. Suicide affects more people than we know and we've heard some stories that we may have never heard before this initiative. Every 16 minutes, someone dies from suicide. I hope that if you've ever contemplated this, that you share your story or at least find someone to just listen to your worries and sorrows. Consider sharing your burden with me. We need to continue to talk about it and depression after the event as well. Please support those who are doing what they can to research and treat the causes of depression. There is a need for everyone to lend an ear and two arms to embrace those affected.

Thank you for reading this!

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